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The word garrulous is a synonym of chatty, talkative, and the words below. Can you recall them?
The word "garrulous" comes from the Latin garrire, which meant "to talk or chatter."
Part of speech:
"Garrulous" is a formal, semi-common word, so it's good when you want to sound serious or academic as you describe a talkative person—someone whose tendency to go on and on is a bit annoying or self-indulgent.
"Sometimes There Is a Void is a talky, formless and seemingly endless book... like a beloved, garrulous uncle who has no idea when to stop."
Explain the meaning of "garrulous" without saying "long-winded" or "rambling."
Who's the most garrulous person you know, or the most garrulous person you've interacted with this week? Would you say this person is charming, annoying, or both, and why?
Try to spend 20 seconds or more on the game below. Don’t skip straight to the review—first, let your working memory empty out.
One opposite of GARRULOUS is