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If you're into astrology, with that whole idea of people being born under certain planets and therefore having certain personalities, then you might embrace these ideas:
In Roman mythology, Jove, also known as Jupiter, is the god of the sky. (Why the two names? "Jove" is the older one; both are from Latin.) In the myths, Jove is the one who rules the skies, wielding the power of the thunderbolt. He's the Roman equivalent of Zeus, from Greek myth.
Part of speech:
Pick the lofty, happy, scholarly-sounding, semi-common word "jovial" to describe people who seem to always be in a good mood, or having a great time. You don't have to love astrology to love this word!
"Jovial Man Must Not Be Aware He Works At Airport Burrito Restaurant"
Explain the meaning of "jovial" without saying "convivial" or "genial."
Who's the most jovial person you know?
Try to spend 20 seconds or more on the game below. Don’t skip straight to the review—first, let your working memory empty out.
The opposite of JOVIAL is
I hope you're enjoying Make Your Point. It's made with love. I'm Liesl Johnson, a reading and writing tutor on a mission to explore, illuminate, and celebrate words. |