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The word rarefied means high, grand, lofty, noble, or_x _ed.
Let's start with the familiar word "rare." It traces back to the Latin rarus, meaning "thin, loose, scattered, or having lots of empty space." Although today it most often means "hard to find, or very special because there are so few of them," in English it originally was more literal, meaning "having particles that are spaced far apart: not dense, not compact." We used it to describe things like soil and bodily organs, and later, air and gas.
Part of speech:
"Rarefied" is a formal, semi-common word.
"The planes gained altitude steadily and were above nine thousand feet... There was always sunshine, always a tiny sticking in the throat from the rarefied air."
Explain the meaning of "rarefied" without saying "elevated" or "exalted."
Fill in the blanks: "(Someone or something very successful) joined a rarefied company of (other very successful people or things)."
Try to spend 20 seconds or more on the game below. Don’t skip straight to the review—first, let your working memory empty out.
Opposites of RAREFIED include