Make Your Point > Archived Issues > SCRUTINIZE & HYPERSCRUTINIZE
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Our words scrutinize and hyperscrutinize are closely related to the word __scrut____, meaning "so mysterious or so complicated that you can't understand it, even if you try by looking at it carefully or examining it closely."
The words "scrutiny" and "scrutinize" come from the Latin scrutari, meaning "to search, to examine, to investigate."
Part of speech:
"Scrutiny" and "scrutinize" are formal, serious, common words.
"Smith scrutinized the horse from head to toe."
Explain the meaning of "scrutinize" and "hyperscrutinize" without saying "overanalyze" or "fall into analysis paralysis."
Scrutiny is often a bad thing, but it doesn't have to be.
Try to spend 20 seconds or more on the game below. Don’t skip straight to the review—first, let your working memory empty out.
A near opposite of SCRUTINY is
I hope you're enjoying Make Your Point. It's made with love. I'm Liesl Johnson, a reading and writing tutor on a mission to explore, illuminate, and celebrate words. |